Discover the Document Driven mode

Content made easy for Vue Developers

Nuxt Content reads the content/ directory in your project, parses .md, .yml, .csv and .json files to create a powerful data layer for your application. Use Vue components in Markdown with the MDC syntax.

Powerful Features

Built for Nuxt 3

Take advantage of Nuxt 3 features: Vue 3, Auto-imports, Vite and Nitro server.

File-based CMS

Write your content in Markdown, YML, CSV or JSON and query it in your components.

Query Builder

Query your content with a MongoDB-like API to fetch the right data at the right time.

MDC Syntax

Use your Vue components in Markdown files, supporting props, slots and nested components.

Code highlighting

Display beautiful code blocks in your website with the Shiki integration supporting VS Code themes.

Deploy everywhere.

Nuxt Content support both Static or Node server hosting.